Monday, June 29, 2009

Interesting conversation...

I had the most interesting discussion with one of my mentors today. She is one of our campus deans and she teaches a class for associate (adjunct) faculty. The past few years, she has asked me to be a part of the class and teach a section on the use of technology in the classroom. I was telling her about my academic progress and mentioned that I have to do a blog for each of my classes this term. We got on the discussion of "motivating adult learners" and she said "I don't think you can motivate adult learners. Motivation is intrinsic, so they come to us already motivated. Our job is to keep them encourage them and guide them along the academic path." I've been mulling over this comment all day, and she's got a point. I never really thought of it that way.. so now with this new perspective combined with my last two blogs, I'm really starting to think about the importance of teaching teachers to help adult learners succeed.... thoughts?

1 comment:

Lola O said...

Yes indeed she is right! See my focus at Walden is actually professional development and teaching teachers. I currently teach as an adjunct in addition to my experience so far with other schools and my interactions with other faculty members and my current students ( who by the way are on the average over 25 to 30 years old), I slowly come to the realization that adult learners are totally different from what we perceive them to be. Hence the reason I am here at Walden to get a jump start on that and see what makes them different and keeps them engaged, focused and determine and better yet where the source of motivation truly is…